I earned my Integrated B.S. - M.S. in Physics and Data Science from IISER Mohali. I have done several internships on intersection of Machine Learning and Experimental High Energy Physics at CERN in CMS Experiment ,EPP lab, UZH with Yuta, Arne, Stefanos and Izaak , PPSP, IFJ PAN with Rafał Staszewski and Marcin Wolter, and IAS,Kolkata with Ritesh K. Singh.
I have a relatively diverse research background, as you may have noticed from my research internship experience. I started my Machine Learning journey from Physics strengthning the mathematical foundations, then to combining both in search for superlative performance, and then to physics inspired geometrical deep learning on graphs especially applied to track particles in particle colliders like CERN. After my eventfull journey in Physics, I transitioned into machine learning, and currently working on formulating improved methodologies for applications in Science.
I’m currently living in Helsinki.